LEARNING ENVIRONMENT CONSIDERATIONS: Design Thinking and Navigating Next Part 3: Blending Design Thinking & 4DX to Navigate Next

During this live, virtual session, participants will reflect on the learning environments created this year in response to the pandemic (remote, hybrid, in-person), including identifying what worked and what didn't. After reflecting, participants will identify a learning environment challenge for the next school year and apply a blended process of Design Thinking and the 4

COMMUNITY AND FAMILY ENGAGEMENT: Communicating with Stakeholders

Communicating with Stakeholders is a session relative to all (administrators, teachers, parents, individuals, or groups). This session will examine the oral and written words of communication as well as the different models of listening. Participants will: * Analyze the mindsets behind communication styles
 * Determine your communication model and its impact on stakeholders
 * Develop


We know that Professional Learning Communities are effective and motivating for staff members. There are obvious challenges during these times to continue these practices or start new PLCs. Join DeAnne Heersche as she reviews ideas to learn some simple tools for running PLCS and applying these ideas to the virtual setting. Appropriate for all administrators

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