The goal of this website is to provide relevant, timely, and impactful professional development support to education professionals in order to build their capacity for effectively developing and implementing key components of the Navigating Change guidance for Kansas School Districts.

Competency-Based and Personalized Learning
Access and download comprehensive resources centered on competency-based and personalized learning during COVID-19. Extensive grab-and-go resources are complemented by training and support videos designed to help you support your students’ personalized learning through the coronavirus pandemic.

Remote and Hybrid Teaching and Learning
In these unprecedented times of change in education and the rise in remote learning, this bank of resources for Kansan educators will help you navigate the new normal. These resources include remote learning guides and templates, as well as training and support videos that will support students as they learn at home.

Teaching with Instructional Technology
During the coronavirus pandemic, instructional technologies have become an essential part of teaching and learning. These resources, including guides to digital education platforms and training and support videos, help Kansan educators leverage technology to engage students and boost their learning outcomes.

Leadership and Communication
These unprecedented and difficult times require administrators and school district leaders to communicate more effectively than ever with educators, parents, and students. These resources, including 101 guides, communications templates, and support videos, will help you lead change and navigate a challenging time with strong, clear communications.